In The Eyes of The Children

In the eyes of the children I see hope
Despite everything that is against them
The difficulties of autism cloud their world

But in their eyes I see love and happiness
They show love they can’t speak in their eyes
When they are happy their eyes sparkle

Though voices are seldom heard their personalities
Are bold and loud all around the room
Not everyone can hear them, you have to be quiet

The children are not silent robots
They reach out to you in all kinds of ways
In trying to be tickled, or touching your hand

Sometimes they get comfort from being nearby
And sometimes they give comfort by looking into
Your face and touching your cheek with small hands

Amazing when I see the Creator in their eyes
The grace and patience I learn every time I play
These aren’t throw away children

Autism may give them great difficulties but it has
Also given them alternate ways to communicate
The love they have for all of us.
Traveler On The Path